
End of the Road for Microsoft Web Site

Microsoft’s adventure travel Mungo Park Web site, named for the intrepid Scottish explorer who disappeared while navigating the Niger River, is meeting a similar fate in the choppy waters of Internet commerce. As of Feb. 6, the site ( will stop offering real-time reports of adventures around the world, although users will still be able to access previous stories.

Mungo Park editor Richard Bangs, a founder of the El Cerrito-based tour company Mountain Travel-Sobek, launched the multimedia site last year with the first-ever descent of Ethiopia’s Tekeze River. Later trips ranged from Cambodia and Vietnam to kayaking in Newfoundland with Martha Stewart. The last trip, next month, will be to Antarctica with writer Annie Dillard.

Microsoft said it is suspending the service to focus on its online travel agency, Expedia, and provide “more practical, useful information” to travelers.
