
Specter of Sewage Plant Smells Bad to Council

The specter of a foul-smelling sewage plant in the city has prompted the City Council, in a split vote, to move forward with a plan to gain local control over water issues.

“Do you want to see Dana Point become the toilet bowl of South County?” Councilman Harold Kaufman asked, voting in favor of seeking local control.

Several proposals to consolidate 15 water and sewer districts in South County are being reviewed by the Local Agency Formation Commission.


Officials say one proposal would include Dana Point in a large, regional district, an entity they fear could seek to build a sewage and water treatment plant on 30 acres near San Juan Creek and Doheny Park Road.

In a 3-2 vote, the council backed a proposal that would put the city in charge of water services.

Councilwoman Toni Gallagher and Mayor William Ossenmacher voted against the measure, saying there wasn’t enough financial information about how running a water district would affect the city budget.
