
WESTMINSTER : Council Opposes 3-Day Tet Festival, OKs Parade

The city’s celebration of Tet this January will include a seven-hour parade but not the traditional three-day Bolsa Avenue festival, the City Council decided Tuesday.

It will be the second year of such arrangements for the celebration of the Vietnamese new year. The parade will be Jan. 31 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Last year, the council canceled the festival along Bolsa Avenue--then in its 17th year--in favor of a smaller parade, saying a three-day celebration unfairly hurts businesses in Little Saigon.


The council kept to that philosophy this year, approving a permit for the parade but denying one to the organizing group that wanted to stage a more extensive festival. Councilwoman Margaret Shillington voted against the parade and Councilman Tony Lam abstained.

Council members said they would support a festival at another location, such as a school, but could not justify closing Bolsa Avenue for three days.
