
Attempt by Train Victims’ Mother to Regain Custody of Son Is Delayed

<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

An attempt by Jackie Robles to regain custody of her 4-month-old son, taken from her after her two young daughters were killed by a Metrolink train in October, was postponed Tuesday until a hearing Jan. 9.

The proceedings were delayed because authorities do not have the results of drug tests ordered by the San Bernardino County Juvenile Court to help determine the Upland woman’s fitness as a mother.

Robles, 21, had fallen asleep in her apartment Oct. 21 when her daughters, ages 3 and 22 months, wandered onto railroad tracks about half a block away. Subsequent tests found evidence of methamphetamine in Robles’ body, but prosecutors said it was unclear whether she was under the influence of drugs at the time of the children’s deaths. She was not charged.


Adding to Robles’ woes, she was arrested Friday on suspicion of being under the influence of drugs after running a stop sign. The results of that drug test are not known. She was jailed briefly and released.

Robles’ attorney, Robin Johnson, said Tuesday that her client insists she has not used drugs since her daughters’ deaths.
