
Volunteer Groups Need Gifts to Give

Scores of local organizations and agencies are counting on the charity of strangers to provide holiday meals, parties, gifts, financial assistance and other services to the needy. Volunteers and donations of cash, canned food, clothes and toys are being solicited all over Orange County. Here’s a look at some of the solicitors:

* La Habra Neighborhood Housing Services and the Gary Center need gifts for children, aged 1 to 14. The presents will be presented to needy youths during a Dec. 22 Christmas party at the La Habra Boxing Club. Gifts are being collected at 341 and 350 Hillcrest St. Information: (562) 694-2051.

* New, unwrapped toys for disadvantaged children are being accepted for the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce’s Headstart Christmas Toy Drive. Collection boxes are posted at several locations throughout the city, including City Hall. Information: (714) 249-2922.


* The Anaheim Automobile Club of Southern California needs volunteers to decorate a float for the 1998 Tournament of Roses Parade. Donations of $1 or more also are being accepted, with proceeds benefiting the Children’s Miracle Network, an organization that supports hospitals that care for children with terminal illnesses. Information: (714) 774-2392.

* Catholic Charities of Orange County needs participants in its Adopt-A-Family program, which matches donors with poor families that need food and clothes for the holidays. The organization also is collecting food, clothes and cash to distribute in its Family Service Centers in Santa Ana and Anaheim. And, help is needed to put on Catholic Charities’ annual Christmas party for needy children in Santa Ana Dec. 22. Information: (714) 668-1130.

* A Fountain Valley couple is seeking businesses to erect Christmas trees displaying the names and wish lists of abused and neglected children they entertain as Raggedy Ann and Andy. The couple also needs people to take the names and buy gifts for the children, who live in group homes countywide or are terminally ill. Many trees are up in offices, mostly in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley. Information: (714) 740-4034.


* Fullerton’s firefighters are holding their fifth annual “Spark of Love” toy drive, part of a Southland tradition sponsored by various fire departments. On Dec. 13, a Metrolink Holiday Toy Express train will arrive at the Fullerton train station at 8:20 p.m. and will stay until 8:35 p.m. While there, new and unwrapped toys will be accepted by the firefighters. In addition, toys may be placed in collection barrels at all six of the city’s fire stations through Dec. 23. The toys will go to disadvantaged children throughout Southern California. Information: (714) 738-6509.
