
$107-Million Bond Will Be Proposed to Repair Schools

The state administrator of Compton schools will ask the district’s advisory board tonight to support a $107-million bond measure for campus repairs and renovations on the April 1998 ballot.

“This is the big step,” said district spokeswoman Vivian Hao. “Up to now it has been a proposal.”

Compton High is more than 100 years old and many of the district’s 38 campuses are more 80 years old, said Hao. A task force of parents, teachers and principals has outlined the most-needed repairs, she said.


If passed by two-thirds of the voters, the bond would add a projected $47 per year to the tax bill of properties with an assessed value of $70,000, according to district estimates.

The state Department of Education took over the troubled Compton district in 1993 and suspended the school board’s administrative power.
