One Recipe for Getting Dates
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Alaskan restaurateur Jay Ramras, a single Jewish guy looking for a nice Jewish girl, recently subletted an apartment in New York City, where his networking has landed him 50 dates. He’s optimistic. Ramras, 33, previously paid $5,500 to an L.A.-based Jewish dating service but, he told the Associated Press, “L.A. is too weird.”
CONGRATULATIONS! IT’S A . . . DOWNPOUR: Hank Rosenfeld, a volunteer for radio station KCRW-FM (89.9), said that at midday Friday “a pregnant woman in our office shouted, ‘The baby has arrived.’ ” Rosenfeld was ready to go out and buy her a card. Then he realized she was talking about another baby.
El Nino.
Glad the baby couldn’t stay the entire weekend.
JUST THE THING FOR HEAVY HITTERS: I’ve heard of artistic projects that had too much fat. But Jeff Hecox of Moorpark found a place (see accompanying) that offers you a chance to slim down both your work of art and your body. (Not that your body isn’t already a work of art.)
ARE THE CARPETS ARTIFICIAL TURF?: Real estate magnate Jon Douglas was a football star at Stanford University in his younger days, so perhaps that explains the somewhat unusual captions of homes that appeared in one of his recent newspaper ads. One house was described as “Green Bay Packers Perfection,” another as “Minnesota Viking Vivacious” and another as “Philadelphia Eagle Excellence.”
Forget the fact that the Eagles are, if anything, an average team this year. What I noticed was that one former L.A. team was left out. I guess “Oakland Raider Riot” wouldn’t sound very inviting.
RESEDA--WE’RE SHOCKED! Larry Kantor of Encino noticed that the wording of a sign at a Reseda roller rink could give the impression--false, I’m sure--that the hockey players are running wild (see photo).
ADDING INSULT TO INSPECTION: Susan Tellem, Richard G. Hirsch and several other readers pointed out that on the KCBS-TV (Channel 2) Web site list of L.A. County restaurants that have failed inspections, one suffered an additional indignity. Part of the eatery’s name--Bowl--was misspelled as “Bowel.”
L.A.’S HISTORIC OPENINGS: The hot topic these days is the new Getty Center, which should push L.A. up a few notches on the nation’s cultural scale. By coincidence, a 45-year-old episode of “The Jack Benny Show” that aired on KNX-AM radio the other night had Dennis Day telling Benny, “I saw you playing your violin at a gas station on Sherman Oaks Boulevard.”
The comic responded: “That was for an opening. Fine agent, I have. I thought he said Texas but he said Texaco.”
WESTSIDE TALK: Max Rosenberg heard it on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica--a mother bending over her tiny girl and saying, “You must never use the expression, ‘I swear’ again. I know this time it came from your subconscious.”
When pro basketball star Latrell Sprewell was suspended for attacking and choking Golden State Coach P.J. Carlesimo, Sprewell’s agent said that he has talked with former Simpson defense attorney Johnnie L. Cochran about taking legal action against the NBA.
Sprewell may have a case because of a snafu involving the evidence. After all, no one dusted Carlesimo’s neck for fingerprints.
Steve Harvey can be reached by phone at (213) 237-7083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by e-mail at [email protected] and by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053. I swear.