
Counterfeit Oakley Sunglasses Seized

Stepping up its aggressive pursuit of counterfeiters, Oakley Inc. said New York police shut down a huge counterfeit sunglasses ring, seizing $19 million worth of fake sunglasses and labeling equipment. Five people were arrested in the raids, which took place over two days in late November. Brooklyn vice detectives, working with private investigators hired by Foothill Ranch-based Oakley, hauled off three 20-foot truckloads of merchandise, including more than 100,000 pairs of counterfeit Oakleys, a police spokeswoman said. Cheow-Hin Ngan, head of Brooklyn-based Fantasy Enterprises Inc., and four female accomplices were charged with trademark counterfeiting. If convicted, they face up to three years in prison and an undetermined amount of fines. Ngan, who was scheduled to be arraigned before a grand jury today, couldn’t be reach for comment Monday.
