
City Manager Is Up for Glendora Post

City Manager Michael W. Parness was recently named as a candidate for the same position at the Los Angeles County city of Glendora.

“It slipped out at the public meeting,” said Glendora’s Interim City Manager Jack Smith.

Several other candidates also were announced by Glendora Mayor Sue Bauer at the council’s Nov. 20 meeting, he said. The council is scheduled to discuss finalists in closed session Tuesday.

Parness, 43, hired here in 1989, said Friday he has nothing to announce at this time.

His salary has recently been targeted by a local citizens group, which is seeking a ballot initiative to cap salaries of the city’s highest paid employees.


If approved, Parness’ salary would drop from $106,000 to about $82,000, the salary paid to members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Former Glendora City Manager Art Cook, who retired in August, earned $110,000 a year.
