


Tyson misses a short right and short left. Holyfield digs a right to the midsection. Holyfield jabs to the head. Tyson lands a glancing left hook off Holyfield’s head. Referee Mills Lane warns fighters about holding. Tyson misses a wild right. Tyson misses another right to the head. Holyfield misses and the fighters clinch in mid-ring. Tyson is wild with a left hook. Holyfield misses a combination. Holyfield lands a hard right to the face. Holyfield lands a hard right combination to the head that seems to rock Tyson. Holyfield sends a stinging jab to the mouth and lands a short right to the head. Tyson scores with a short left uppercut at the bell.

Round to Holyfield


Tyson appears cut over his right eye. Blood is streaming down his face. Lane rules the cut is the result of a butt. Tyson misses with a left-right combination. Tyson lands with a right to the jaw and Holyfield counters with a right to the chin. Lane stops the fight to warn both fighters about rough tactics. Tyson lands a high jab off the top of the head. Tyson is wild with a left hook. Holyfield digs a right hand to body.

Round to Holyfield


The cut appears to be in the right eyebrow of Tyson. Tyson comes out quickly, landing two hard lefts and a right. Tyson pushes Holyfield into the ropes. Tyson misses another wild right and Holyfield counters with a right to the body. Holyfield is wild with a right hand and Tyson misses a left hook to the head. Lane has problems separating the fighters. Tyson lands a short right to the chin and a left to the body. Holyfield ties him up on the inside. Holyfield drills a left hook to the body. Tyson lands a hard right to the jaw that stops Holyfield in his tracks. Tyson pops two quick jabs and misses a wild right. Fight is stopped when Tyson bites Holyfield, causing massive bleeding from the right ear. Lane deducts a point from Tyson. Nevada ring physician Flip Homansky comes to the ring. Lane says he can see the bite marks. Lane deducts another point but the fight will go on. Holyfield does not want to continue but relents. Holyfield drills a hard left hook to Tyson’s face. Holyfield is enraged at the bell from another bite, this time to his left ear.


Round to Holyfield
