
Universal Expansion Plan

Perhaps those who characterize us as whining affluent negativists as we oppose Universal’s expansion plan would like to spend a night in our home listening to loud amplified music and announcements, explosions and gunshots until 1 a.m. Perhaps they would also like to face a day at work after only 4 1/2 hours of sleep. Perhaps then they would understand our vehement opposition to Universal’s (to us) nightmarish plan for expansion.

If a neighbor held parties until all hours, every night, playing loud music that kept everyone in the neighborhood awake, the police would put an immediate stop to it. Never would they accept the excuse that the parties provided needed employment for parking valets, DJs and bartenders, and that the suffering imposed on neighbors was for the greater public good. This, however, is exactly what Universal is trying to do. It is preposterous.



Toluca Lake
