
Buying Bullets

Once again, some of our politicians have opted for the 30-second sound bite solution to a greater problem they have no clue how to solve. I’m referring to the proposal to make ammunition buyers fill out a form and leave a fingerprint at the time of purchase (“Gun Control Backers Set Sights on Bullets,” May 27). I have tried but I can find no way this will reduce the gun violence on our streets. It won’t reduce the purchases of bullets. Anyone with a criminal record can just have a friend without a record buy the bullets. Who is going to know where they came from after the transaction has taken place? How can anyone determine if the bullets were bought in the United States, much less in Los Angeles?

There is no way this can do anything other than harass law-abiding citizens. It is a meaningless exercise by some politicians trying to get media attention and convince a skeptical public that they are doing something about a problem.



* Re “Valley Perspective Interview: Mike Feuer,” June 22.

Being a gun owner and a recreational target shooter, I resent the fact that Feuer will try to stigmatize and make me feel “criminal” by participating in a recreation that I and thousands enjoy.


The only reason that the government needs to have a fingerprint on file is if that person has committed a crime, not for exercising Constitutional rights. If Feuer and other liberals think that his restrictions will deter criminals from obtaining ammunition, he is foolish. Has he considered the thousands of people who reload their own ammunition? How will he regulate / restrict their activities?

My 7-year-old son has been participating in shooting sports for two years, and he has learned the dangers of guns. Education is always a superior option to ignorance (and trigger locks).

There are over 20,000 federal and state gun laws on the books, and not a one has stopped gun crime. The answer is crime control, not more gun laws.



