
Little League P.A. System

Re “Homeowners Shut Down Little League P.A. System,” June 18.

I live under the flight path for the L.A. Fire Department’s helicopter force, and it may bother me for a minute or two, but I sleep better knowing that they are up there. A few minutes of noise is well worth the long-term benefits. Now, Little Leaguers are not a necessary component for life here in the Valley, but knowing that the kids aren’t in the street getting into trouble makes me feel pretty darn good. There are other things that make life more intolerable than a few days of baseball.

As far as Laura Chick is concerned: You showed how well you can pass the buck by shoving the problem over to the [Army] Corps of Engineers. As the line goes, “It’s not my job!”



* The story inaccurately states that the “Encino Homeowners Assn.” is responsible for the noise complaints. The Encino Property Owners Assn. has not been involved in this matter and is not opposed to the use of a public address system by the youth baseball leagues at Franklin Field. I have also talked to Gerald Silver, president of Homeowners of Encino, who confirms that his group has not complained about this issue.


The Army Corps of Engineers, which owns the property where the baseball leagues operate, has clearly overreacted to complaints by a few residents immediately adjacent to the fields. The solution is to require the baseball leagues to turn down the volume and restrict the hours of use. That is how the Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks has resolved similar problems with other youth baseball leagues near residences.

Youth sports is an important part of our community, and neighborhood residents need to work with--not against--such values.


Board Member and Past President,

Encino Property Owners Assn.

