
Enforcing Immigration Laws Should Be the Goal

Your editorial of June 9 (“Wrong Target on Immigration”) correctly challenges Rep. Brian P. Bilbray’s bill, which would bar automatic citizenship to children of undocumented residents of our country. I do not condone illegal immigration, but we should not punish the innocent baby because his or her parents are not citizens.

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution codified the custom of automatic citizenship to native-born children, which had been used since the founding of our great country.

Indeed, all persons, whether citizens or not, are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. They must all pay taxes, local, state and federal.


Likewise, if a person violates a criminal statue, that person, if found guilty, will be punished.

I recently sponsored a Memorial Day tribute to our veterans. Several World War II veterans told me that they were not citizens when they were asked to defend this country, which they did, with brave and commendable distinction.

We must enforce our immigration laws without resorting to divisive, wedge issues that punish innocent children for their parents’ not being citizens.




* Re “Supervisors Postpone Controversial Vote,” June 7:

Two supervisors would not support [the Bilbray bill] Why? Are they afraid of losing votes? It is illegal for illegal immigrants to vote.

The supervisors were only being asked to give their support to the bill.

They wouldn’t be telling Congress how to do their job, only that Orange County residents are fed up with coddling of illegal immigrants. Handouts to illegals have gone far enough and should be stopped.

Thanks to Supervisors Todd Spitzer and Jim Silva for having the courage to stand up for the legal residents of Orange County.



Santa Ana
