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Since the ban on the use of silicone breast implants by the FDA in April 1992, numerous scientific studies have appeared exonerating these devices of the charges leveled against them (“The Silicone Folly,” by Robin Rauzi, June 22).
The American Medical Assn. has urged “physicians be informed of the current scientific data available in order to recognize and address the public anxiety concerning the safety of breast implants, an anxiety not warranted based on current scientific evidence.” In October 1995, the American College of Rheumatology stated that “recent epidemiological studies provide compelling evidence that silicone implants expose patients to no demonstrable additional risk for connective tissue or rheumatic disease.”
It is unfortunate that television “docudramas” such as “Two Voices” and “Breast Men” are aired in light of the mounting scientific evidence that these devices are safe. I guess the truth doesn’t boost TV ratings.
Los Angeles
“Breast Men” screenwriter John Stockwell is quoted as saying, “I look at it as ‘Tucker’ with breasts . . . a story about an inventor who . . . really believed in his invention and was stuck with the tragedy of wondering if what he invented was, in fact, hurting people.”
That doesn’t sound like “Tucker” to me. “Tucker” was about how a revolutionary new car that was supposed to help people was stopped by the Big 3 automakers because it was too good.
Culver City