
Development Plans for City Set Forth

A multiscreen movie theater, a “power center” with a Wal-Mart and a Home Depot, and a Kaiser-Permanente medical center are on the development horizon in Simi Valley.

In a commercial development update delivered Friday, Assistant City Manager Don Penman told the Chamber of Commerce that projects are progressing at a steady clip.

“It’s exciting now that we’re seeing new development happen, because that will provide new jobs in the economy,” Penman said after the briefing. “New jobs are the engine that drives the community.”


The long-anticipated projects include:

* A “power center” with retailing giants Wal-Mart and Home Depot planned for a site southeast of Madera Road and the 118 Freeway. The developer filed plans for the center this week, and construction could begin in October.

* A 170,000-square-foot shopping complex anchored by a 16-screen movie theater is planned for the southwest corner of Tapo Canyon Road and Alamo Street, across from City Hall. Plans for this development, which could contain a Barnes & Noble bookstore, will be submitted to the city Monday, according to developer Bob Selleck.

* If a development application is approved, a 24,000-square-foot Kaiser-Permanente medical center could sit on three acres next to the Selleck shopping center.
