
Ban on Leaf Blowers Looms for Gardeners

Gardener Bulfrano Villasenor is getting rid of his gas-powered leaf blower, even if it costs him money.

Albert Cedano, who runs his own landscaping business, is not so sure despite the prospect of fines of up to $1,000 for using the machines.

“Honestly, I really don’t know what to do,” Cedano said. “I think it’s silly. People have been using them for years.”


On Tuesday, the city of Los Angeles’ new ban on using gasoline-powered leaf blowers within 500 feet of a residence goes into effect.

More than 40 other California municipalities have restricted blowers because of concerns about noise, dust and exhaust.

But many gardeners are still trying to determine how to comply with the law without losing business.


Some insist that prices must go up, contending that using brooms instead of blowers to clear away leaves, weeds, twigs and grass will cost them time.

Penalties for violations apply to the person using the blower and the employer, including homeowners. Violators can be fined up to $1,000 or jailed up to six months.

City officials said police will begin enforcement Tuesday, treating violations as misdemeanors. Officers are to issue two warnings to any violator before issuing a citation, officials said.
