
Teachers’ New Dress Policy Met With Criticism

Sandals are out, and dress shoes are in. Men must wear ties. And women may not expose their midriffs.

Come July 1, Santa Ana teachers will have to adhere to a new dress code, even though some of them say they think it is far too restrictive.

“We are very disappointed,” said Gladys Hall-Kessler, president of the Santa Ana Educators Assn.


New rules about shoes, ties and pants will be particularly hard on elementary-school teachers, Hall-Kessler said, who lead their students in arts and crafts and conduct daily physical education classes.

But the majority of the Santa Ana Unified School District board members felt that formalizing dress standards for teachers would improve the quality of teaching.

“Dress does make a difference in the atmosphere at the schools,” Trustee Rosemarie Avila said. “Teachers need to command more respect. They need to be in a place of authority. I think it’s a good step forward.”


Teachers will have to comply with the new code, which forbids jeans on campus except for spirit days and on field trips.

Teachers who do not work in air-conditioned rooms also will be exempted on days when outside air temperatures exceed 90 degrees.

Hall-Kessler said the union plans to appeal the board’s decision.
