
Proposal to Be Drafted Allowing ‘Gray Water’ Use

During the 1986-1992 drought, recycling used bathtub and dishwashing water was against state law. Since then, the law has been changed and a statewide movement has begun to recycle the so-called gray water.

Now, West Hollywood Councilman Jeffrey Prang has directed the City Council’s staff to draft regulations permitting the recycling of gray water in that city. “We need to be part of a regional solution,” Prang said. “If all cities had this system statewide, it would make a significant difference.”

The proposed regulations will have to be approved by the City Council.

Rob Hallwachs, spokesman for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, said: “If we had a gray water system in every residential and commercial property in Southern California, we could save one-third of all water used,” he said.


Half of all water used by single-family homes goes to gardening and related outdoor purposes, where gray water can be substituted.
