
Home Savings


When I entered the spacious Homemakers store through the back, the first item I saw was a Bassett brass and glass table, which was selling elsewhere for around $180. On it was a tag with the words “Floor Sample, one only, $50.” It was going to be a successful bargain shopping expedition.

This area between the main store and the parking lot is where some of the best deals can be found; it is a kind of clearance space. A wonderful striped Jonathan Lewis sofa and love seat was priced at a dazzling $388 for both pieces. Hard to beat that deal.

Whether you’re on the hunt for home accessories or furniture, to do justice to this store you need to allow plenty of time. The way it’s set up makes it very difficult to see all the merchandise. So all one can do is wander and take notes.


Be sure to check the date on the tags of accessory items. Items that have been on the floor for less than six months are discounted 20%, six months to one year 40%, one to two years 50% and two years or more deduct 70% from the ticketed price.

One Remington bronze had been on the floor for a while; instead of $630, the price was now $239. And I can’t remember when I’ve visited a store that had a more eclectic and interesting collection of accessories--from the traditional to the funky to the whimsical.

Check out the grandfather clock that is a likeness of old Granddad, whiskers and all; the price for this bit of whimsy is $1,279. Many local manufacturers have products at Homemakers: Dino, Marshall, Patagonia, Guild Crest and Rowe are featured and are all discounted from 20% to 70%. You’ll recognize other furniture giants like Broyhill, with a pine dining table with two leaves that was a wonderful buy at $198.


When purchasing leather furniture, it pays to get top quality. Leather Trends is one of the better lines and there are several examples on the floor. Figure on around $2,200 for a sofa, but we did spot a 7 1/2-foot cowhide Leather Trends sofa that had been priced at $1,999 and was discounted to $1,499.

Whether you’re out for some serious furniture shopping or on the prowl for conversation-piece accessories, it’s worth a trip to Homemakers.

* Homemakers, 18901 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita. Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday, 10 to 9 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All major credit cards. (805) 252-6052.



Weekend Super Sale

Could you work a khaki-colored gabardine Armani suit into your wardrobe? If you wear a size 10, this coveted designer outfit can be yours for $318.40. Usually the price at Past Perfect is $398 on this number, but starting today and going through Saturday it’s 20% off all regular merchandise at this fine resale store. Twenty percent doesn’t generally impress bargain shoppers, but when a top resale store deducts 20%, it’s worth a visit. Past Perfect, 12616 Ventura Blvd., Studio City. (818) 760-8872. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
