
Councilman Dinsen to Be Mayor Pro Tem

Longtime Councilman Bob Dinsen has been chosen by his colleagues to serve as mayor pro tem, the position Councilman Ho Chung recently gave up.

Chung resigned the mostly ceremonial post, saying a rivalry exists between him and fellow Councilman Mark Leyes, both of whom are considering running next year for the Republican nomination to the 68th Assembly District.

Leyes had earlier criticized Chung for highlighting the nonelective mayor pro tem position in his bid for the Republican nomination. Chung countered that Leyes did the same last year when he unsuccessfully ran for a seat on the Orange County Board of Supervisors.


Chung will retain his regular seat on the City Council.

Dinsen, a council member since 1980, unanimously was chosen to serve as mayor pro tem. He’s held the job four times before. “It’s just a name,” Dinsen said. “It’s no big deal.”

In other City Council action this week, officials decided against completely closing Wilson Street at Garden Grove Boulevard. Instead, a barrier to prohibit southbound traffic on Wilson will be built. Only northbound traffic will be allowed to travel on Wilson to Garden Grove Boulevard.

Residents sought to have the entire street closed after complaining of cruising and other problems from customers of a nearby adult bookstore.


Council members also approved an agreement allowing Candlewood Hotels to build a 130-room, four-story, studio-suite hotel at Haster Street and Garden Grove Boulevard.
