
Officials Make Bid to Buy Site of Former Pottery Firm

For years, the old Metlox Potteries site has been a big vacant lot in the middle of downtown Manhattan Beach. But that may change.

Manhattan Beach officials are talking with the owners of half the property about selling it to the city, Assistant City Manager Dave Doyle said Monday.

The city would like to use the property for commercial development, such as a small hotel, shops or restaurant, but does not have a specific purpose set for the lot.


“It is the largest piece of undeveloped property in the downtown area,” Doyle said. “Whatever is built there will have to fit in with the village character of downtown.”

The lot on Manhattan Beach Boulevard is owned by two companies. The southern section belongs to the Santa Fe Railroad Co. The northern section is owned by Charles Dunn Inc., which leased the property to Metlox. The city is negotiating to buy the southern section.
