
Basket Weavers to Give Demonstrations

The California Indian Basketweavers Assn. will showcase the ancient art of basket making during its yearly festival Saturday at Oakbrook Regional Park Chumash Interpretive Center.

The seventh annual California Basketweavers Gathering will include weaving demonstrations from 2 to 5:30 p.m. at the center, 3290 Lang Ranch Parkway in Thousand Oaks. The event will feature traditional methods and designs used by the Chumash, Cahuilla, Chukehansi, Mewuk and Hupa tribes.

The free event will also feature a showcase of baskets, a panel discussion on access to plant-gathering sites, storytelling sessions and performances of Native American song and dance.


For information, call the association at (916) 292-0141, or the Chumash center at 492-8076.
