
Festivals, Feasts & Fairs

SAN MARCOS--Put on your plaid for the San Diego Scottish Highland Games, next Saturday and June 29. Clans will gather for contests such as tossing the caber (a long, heavy pole), Highland dancing, sheep dog trials and bagpiping. $9 one day; $15 two days; $3 per day for children 3-12; under 3 free. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Rancho Santa Fe Park on La Costa Meadows Drive. (619) 645-8080.

SANTA MARIA--Prize animals, country crooners and a midway will be among the old-fashioned finds at the Santa Barbara County Fair July 2-6. There will also be fireworks on the Fourth. $6 adults, $3 children 6-11, 5 and under free. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. at Santa Maria Fairgrounds, 937 S. Thornburg St. (800) 549-0036.

TEHACHAPI--More than 250 Native American dancers will compete at the 13th annual Indian Pow Wow. The event also features American Indian crafts and demonstrations of silversmithing, basket-weaving and other skills. $6 adults, $3, seniors and children 12 and under. 5-10 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. June 29 at California Highway 58 and Tehachapi Boulevard. (805) 822-1118.


VENTURA--The Ojai Valley Gun Club Muzzle Loaders will reenact military drills of the American Revolution era hourly, noon-5 p.m. at Mission Park, at California and Figueroa streets, as part of this city’s Fourth of July celebration. A street fair, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., along Main Street from 1st to Figueroa streets, will present entertainers on nine stages. At 5 p.m., Ventura College, 4667 Telephone Road, will host games, clowns and musicians, and at dusk a fireworks show. $8 adults, $5 children 3-13, under 3 free; free admission to reenactments, street fair. (800) 333-2989.

FORT BRAGG--Visitors to the World’s Largest Salmon Barbecue get a heaping plate of salmon, corn on the cob, salad and bread, as well as musical entertainment. The event is a benefit for the nonprofit Salmon Restoration group to aid the propagation of salmon. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. July 5 at the harbor, on Harbor Drive off California Highway 1. $12 adults, $7 kids under 12. (800) 726-2780.

Call listed phone numbers for directions.
