

I was moved to tears by Susan Straight’s “All My Children” (May 11). It was an incredible story that reaffirmed my hope and faith that there are indeed human angels at work here on earth. Straight is one of them.

If she ever has doubts that her actions have an effect on people, well, they certainly affected me. I will never look at a child--anyone’s child--the same way again. Now, because of Straight’s love, generosity and openheartedness, I will always be ready with a kind word, food, clothing--whatever else I can find--that just might make one child’s life a little brighter.

Marie Jones

La Costa


How wonderful that those children have what little time they do have with Straight. I don’t doubt for a moment that she has a lasting impact on their lives. Unfortunately, that aspect is matched too well by those people who choose not to see and not to do, who choose to cast judgment upon the parents of these kids, about whom these children had no choice.


Surely, the short bursts of love and acceptance that the youngsters experience with Straight will be remembered and sought after. We can only hope that the light of that love illuminates the shadows cast by those who consider the children less than human.

Carol Busseau

Laguna Niguel


Straight’s article made my day. What a generous, giving woman.

Kathleen Pudrith

Van Nuys
