

Newspapers naturally tend to focus on the so-called “big events” of the day, triumphs or calamities on the grand scale. But, for most of us, the really big events in life are actually little things: a child’s first day of school, the death of an old friend, a pretty sunset.

Today, in the first of several changes this week, we begin a new column called Ventura County Life, in which our reporters will focus on those seemingly ordinary moments, experiences and feelings that can actually mean the most to people. You’ll find the first column on Page B11.

Because the education of our children is top priority, we are also introducing a new education page this week. It will appear on Monday on Page B2, and is intended as a supplement to the education coverage we give you throughout the week on our other news pages. The Science File moves from Monday to Thursday, also on Page B2.


All this is a sort of prelude to yet another change that will come next Sunday. That’s when we start our new editorial page, designed to add a major new dimension to our coverage of the county and the issues and challenges that confront it.

We’re happy to have these new additions. And we hope you’ll like them, too.


Times Ventura County Editor
