
* Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe; World’s Most Married Man

Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe, 88, the world’s most often-married man. Wolfe, a flamboyant, Bible-thumping minister, held the Guinness Book of World Records title on frequent matrimony. He was married 29 times. His widow, Linda Essex-Wolfe, has held the record as world’s most often married woman with 23 husbands. Although he lived in California and she lived in Indiana and they spent only a week together, they had planned to renew their vows today, which would have been their first wedding anniversary. Wolfe’s shortest marriage was 19 days and his longest seven years. Proud of his ever-growing record, Wolfe frequently appeared on television talk shows, including “Donahue.” Although he had 29 wives, 19 children, 40 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren, nobody has stepped forward to claim Wolfe’s body. He is expected to be cremated by San Bernardino County authorities, with the ashes placed in a collective grave. On June 10 in Redlands, Calif., of heart disease.
