
School District Budget to Grow for 1997-98

The school board Monday is expected to adopt the district’s preliminary $180-million budget for the 1997-98 school year, which is up about $7 million from this year.

The increased money comes in part from the district’s growth and the state’s improved economy.

Gov. Pete Wilson’s budget for the 1997-98 year proposed a statewide increase in funding of nearly $1.7 billion, including $500 million to help expand the primary class size-reduction program.


The increase in funds is good news for Capistrano Unified School District because more money will be available to reduce class sizes and restore programs and services cut or eliminated in past budgets, according to Carleen Wing Chandler, associate superintendent of business and fiscal services.

“The educational community is still trying to play catch-up from the cuts in the early ‘90s,” Chandler said.

The district is proposing to reduce ninth-grade English courses and classes in grades four through eight.


The board also will consider restoring high school assistant principals, expanding libraries, buying more school supplies and improving financial support for high school academies, and creating middle school intramural athletics.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the district office, 32972 Calle Perfecto. Information: (714) 489-7000.
