
June Gloom Due to Arrive With Summer

On the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, forecasters today are predicting Ventura County weather that sounds more like winter in Oregon.

“Low clouds, fog and local drizzle and only partial clearing in the afternoon” is the National Weather Service’s prediction for Ventura County’s coastal regions. The same morning gloom with clear skies in the afternoon was the slightly rosier forecast for inland areas.

The prediction of overcast weather comes as no surprise to weather experts and residents familiar with county weather. Forecasters call it “onshore flow” while local residents call it the “June gloom.”


“This happens every year. The marine air has moisture and it causes the low fog and drizzle,” said National Weather Service meteorologist Dedric Walker.

The foggy and cool marine air is always present offshore, said Walker, but moves toward land when inland temperatures rise in the summer. The hotter weather creates low barometric pressure inland, drawing in the cool, high-pressure marine air.

Mild temperatures are forecast today as a result of this offshore air. Highs in most of Ventura County are predicted to be in the mid-70s, with lows in the mid-50s.


Although today is the longest day of the year, coastal county residents will probably only enjoy a few hours of sun before dark. If the sun breaks out at all, it won’t happen until late afternoon, forecasters say.

While today is officially the longest day, it’s actually a tie. The days have been the same length since Thursday and will continue to be through Monday.
