
Ghost Ship? Rumors abound about the Duchess...

Ghost Ship? Rumors abound about the Duchess III--that it once was owned by Al Capone, that it is haunted by two ghosts (Weekend Calendar, Page 7). . . . And even if the stories aren’t true, the 71-foot yacht looks as if they could be. That makes the 70-year-old vessel, moored at Ventura Harbor, perfect for its latest incarnation--a venue for murder mysteries, psychic gatherings and cigar samplings.

Cutting Their Losses: Saying the program has too many glitches, the district attorney’s office is dumping a federally mandated computer system aimed at getting child support out of deadbeat parents (B1). . . . D. A. Michael D. Bradbury was in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, asking that the county not be penalized for its action.

Eye on the Future: College costs and the need for scholarships have prompted some top high school athletes to switch schools, play year-round, hire personal coaches or pay recruiting services (C1). . . . The payoff? “If it weren’t for sports, none of the kids would be able to attend a four-year college out of high school,” said Joe Borchard Sr., whose daughter Julie is on a softball scholarship at Wisconsin, and whose son Joe is a senior at Camarillo High and has been offered a football scholarship to Stanford.


No Go: Thousand Oaks City Manager Grant Brimhall wanted to ante up $150,000 or so for more police services by tacking a 25-cent surcharge on all sewer bills. But Councilwoman Linda Parks didn’t like the idea and her no vote, coupled with Councilwoman Elois Zeanah’s absence, meant the law enforcement windfall was not to be. . . . “It seems that all of a sudden we became a political football,” said Cmdr. Kathy Kemp of the Sheriff’s Department.
