
County Fire Department Offers to Serve Municipality

Los Angeles County’s fire department is offering to take over Covina’s fire and paramedic service from the city at a projected savings of $1.2 million annually to the municipality.

The City Council on Tuesday night held its first public review of a 10-year contract offer from the county’s Los Angeles Consolidated Fire Protection District.

A competing bid is expected from neighboring West Covina by July 15, when a council vote on the proposal is scheduled.


Under the contract, the county department would take over the Covina Fire Department’s three stations and its paramedic service. The county would absorb all but a few of the city’s fire personnel, who would retire.

However, the city would have to pay $500,000 for a ladder truck and $720,000 in vacation and sick time it now owes city firefighters. Initial costs would cut the savings in the first year to about $400,000.
