
Sweat Pays

Who doesn’t get bored from time to time while on the treadmill, stair climber or exercise bike?

Now, if your gym has the right stuff, you can earn frequent flier miles as you work out. Figure a mile a minute.

Such sweat rewards are the brainchild of Transcape Systems Inc., a San Francisco company that makes ICE stations--short for Internet Cardiovascular Environment. These color, touch-screen computers, which attach to cardio equipment, connect users to the Internet. Should you feel the need, you can even send your personal trainer an e-mail update. Conversely, you can receive a motivational message.


And you think the treadmill line is unbearable now.

The system, already in place in 15 health clubs in San Francisco, New York and Chicago, is expected to show up in Los Angeles soon, says Karin Newman, marketing manager. Units cost $2,000 to $3,000.

Health club members can ask their club management for more information, or call (888) CLUB-ICE.
