
Gang on Trial: With the unsealing of...

Gang on Trial: With the unsealing of indictments Wednesday in a Van Nuys courtroom, prosecutors will begin lifting a veil of grand jury secrecy from a yearlong investigation into a gang which targeted the Southeast Asian community. Seven suspected gang members will be charged with seven murders, including a triple slaying in El Monte and a double drive-by killing in Van Nuys.

* GARDEN SPOT: Lessons in literature go hand-in-hand with tilling the soil at North Hollywood High, where students such as Jesse Gell-Redman, center above, work in the school’s five-acre garden. B1

* TAX REFUNDS: The state has stopped diverting income tax refunds belonging to Cal State Northridge students after school officials acknowledged they accidentally listed hundreds of students as debtors when they really owed CSUN nothing. B1


* WASHINGTON BOUND: North Hollywood native Andrei Cherny has, at 21, become a speech writer for the White House. B1

* HISTORIC CHURCH: The National Trust for Historic Preservation included St. Vibiana’s Roman Catholic Cathedral on its annual list of endangered historic places. B8
