
Work the Info System


Orange County may be a great place for software and hardware development, but results of a new survey suggest that it might not be up there in the top 10 for the people who make all that stuff work in the everyday business environment.

Computerworld, the information technology industry’s weekly newspaper, has published its annual ranking of the 100 best places to work in the corporate information systems field.

None are in Orange County.

The closest is Riverside’s Fleetwood Enterprises, whose owner lives on the edge of Newport Beach’s Upper Newport Bay. Fleetwood, a recreation vehicle manufacturer, placed 57th.


Of the six other California companies that made the cut, five were in Northern California and one--No. 100--was in Woodland Hills.

The Computerworld survey ranked only Fortune 1000 companies, and that eliminates most of the small businesses that are the backbone of the Orange County economy.

Information systems professionals keep companies’ computer networks and databases running. Rankings are based on things such as pay hikes and benefits, job turnover, promotions, company-paid training and staffing diversity.


John O’Dell can be reached at (714) 966-5831 and at [email protected]
