
Griffith Observatory

cheese n. museum guide who is manager for the day. “The cheese says to kick out before the fire marshal comes.”


crack the dome phr. open the copper dome that houses the celestial telescope at night to ventilate hot air trapped during the day. “Time to crack the dome, the omigod says the bigwigs are sweating.”


kick out v. request that visitors line up outside before a show if the number of persons inside exceeds 100, the maximum allowed by city fire code.



omigod n. liaison between observatory and outside companies, such as a caterer, using the facilities.


playpen n. large octagonal space that protects star projectors from inadvertent jostling by the audience.


tech v. ensure that planetarium show, including lighting, runs smoothly. “I’m teching for the afternoon show today.” Syn. sit.



star projector n. ant-shaped device in the middle of the planetarium that projects stars from Northern and Southern hemispheres.
