
Putting Label on Gospel Singer’s Real Motives

When gospel singer-producer Kurt Franklin attempts to justify his association with Interscope Records (“Hot Gospel Album Has a Surprising Backer,” June 5), a Westwood record company that is responsible for some of the most X-rated, gangsta rap music in existence, it is clear that he is stretching to justify his materialistic greed. He claims that he is not compromising his message, but there is no way the Christ-centered message of his songs should be consistent with the message portrayed by Interscope--the two messages are completely incompatible. He apparently has chosen to completely overlook the Bible message that admonishes Christians to be aware of evil, corrupt and unrighteous alliances.

He mentioned that Interscope has treated him with dignity and respect. Can he be this naive? The serpent treated Eve with respect. Interscope is a moneymaking business.


