
FBI: Militia Plotted ‘Holy War’ on U.S., Deaths of Officials

<i> From Associated Press</i>

The Mountaineer Militia considered killing U.S. Sen. John D. “Jay” Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.) and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in a so-called holy war against the federal government, FBI affidavits revealed Thursday.

Militia members discussed creating a “special operations group” in case the government turned against the people and, according to the documents, argued that the assassinations would not be murder because the militia was fighting government corruption.

The assassination plot was contained in documents filed in U.S. District Court in Wheeling in the case of seven men accused of plotting to destroy the $200-million FBI center in Clarksburg.


Larry Martz, an Ohio militia member not charged in the plot, indicated that it might be necessary for the militia to assassinate the families of Rockefeller and Greenspan, as well as the senator and chairman, to successfully attack the federal government, the documents said.

“You must chop off their head,” said Martz. He is in jail in Ohio for assaulting a state trooper and carrying a concealed weapon.

Rockefeller and Greenspan had no comment, their spokesmen said.
