
Amendment Prohibits Leasing of Ex-Naval Site to Chinese Firm

A House committee early Thursday approved legislation that would forbid Long Beach harbor officials from leasing a planned shipping terminal on the site of a closed naval station to their most promising customer, a Chinese shipping line.

An amendment to the annual defense authorization bill would bar cities from selling or leasing former military property to any foreign-controlled shipping company. The committee approved the bill by a 51-3 vote.

Supporters of the amendment say it will prevent Long Beach from razing the naval station, building a 145-acre cargo terminal on it and leasing it to the China Ocean Shipping Co., or Cosco, a Beijing-controlled shipping giant.


They view Cosco as a possible threat to national security, contending that the Chinese government could use a terminal for intelligence operations. Defense Secretary William Cohen has said the company does not pose a significant threat.

Other opponents of the amendment say it will apply too broadly, blocking military base conversions in at least two other U.S. sites.

The bill faces votes by the full House and Senate. The committee action comes as city officials struggle to revive the project.
