

A six-week summer pole-vault clinic is scheduled to begin June 23 and run Monday through Thursday through July 31 at the Burroughs High track in Burbank.

Cost of the clinic is $100, with payments brought to Burroughs High.

Information: Mike McHorney, (818) 842-5717.

* The Buena High Water Polo Booster Club’s six-week competitive summer program is scheduled to run Monday through July 31, and will be preceded by a meeting for all returning and incoming players who will be in the ninth through 12th grades at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Buena High pool.

Players should bring a parent to the meeting, which will be headed by Buena Coach John Siman . Siman will discuss the summer program, including water polo skills training, workouts, league matches and tournaments.


Information: (805) 641-1135.
