
Proposed City Budget Includes Fee Increases

As the City Council nears a decision on adopting a budget for the next two fiscal years, it is considering raising fees, adding officers to the police force and putting more money into its library and museum.

Proposals include:

* A $5 increase in application fees for business registration renewals.

* A 50-cent fee increase for certain hours of play at the Tennis Center.

* A $1 fee increase for swimming classes.

* A $1 to $2 increase in admission prices for the annual fireworks show and festival.

* A 54-cent increase in the building permit fee.

* A $5 increase for some Police Department fingerprinting services.

A charge for a new service--selling business lists--is also proposed. The fee would be up to $75 for comprehensive lists of names and addresses of newly registered businesses.

Other new charges would include a $25 fee for help preparing immigration documentation forms at the Maple Center and a $15 fee for Immigration and Naturalization Service-related fingerprinting services conducted by the Police Department.


In other budget business, the council said it is considering adding more money to the library fund so the library could either open on Sundays or hire an extra librarian for the crowded children’s section at the main library. Also under consideration is a proposal for more funds for the Muckenthaler Cultural Center to continue or expand its exhibits and shows.

The budget is expected to be adopted next week, but city officials said changes can be made in the future.
