
Extension of Parking Meter Hours Delayed

After an outcry by Old Pasadena merchants and property owners, a plan to extend parking meter hours to midnight in the popular shopping and dining strip will be delayed.

City Manager Philip Hawkey had proposed extending parking meter hours and using the additional $250,000 a year to pay for services elsewhere in the city. The meters currently operate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

But after merchants packed Monday’s City Council meeting in protest, Hawkey made a request even before the merchants spoke that a vote be delayed for six months. The council agreed.


The meters were installed in 1993 after what merchants described as a verbal agreement that the money generated would always be put back into the streets of Old Pasadena.

Hawkey said the merchants apparently misunderstood. The council told Hawkey to meet with them to clear up the issue.
