
California and Texas Trade With Mexico

* The Times is right to criticize Gov. Pete Wilson for failing to make a symbolic gesture of goodwill toward Mexico by attending the binational meeting of U.S. and Mexican governors of border states (editorial, June 5). But The Times also indulges in an exaggeration based on incomplete facts to buttress its assertion that Wilson’s behavior has something to do with the fact that Texas’ trade with Mexico is three times greater than California’s.

It is true, as The Times points out, that the value of goods exported from Texas to Mexico is three times the value of goods exported to Mexico from California. However, about $8 billion of the $9 billion in goods that California companies sell to Mexico are manufactured in California, while approximately $5 billion of the $27 billion in goods leaving Texas for Mexico are actually Texas products. A glance at a map of North America makes it obvious why the total value of goods leaving Texas freight terminals for Mexico outpaces Califor- nia’s total: Texas highways, airfields and seaports are part of the main transportation corridor for exports to Mexico from American states east of the Rockies.

To be sure, Wilson might encourage more Mexican purchases from California companies if he were to adopt a more conciliatory posture toward Mexico and Mexicans, particularly those in California whose labor creates so much of the value in the state’s exports worldwide. And there are areas of contact with Mexico other than trade where a friendlier tone from the state’s chief executive would render benefits. But as for trade, what really sells California products is their quality, uniqueness and favorable price/value ratio, not political talk.



Santa Monica

* Your editorial criticizes Gov. Wilson for non-attendance at the U.S.-Mexico governors’ meeting and blames him for ill will between Mexico and California due to his support of Prop. 187.

But what has Mexico done to be a good neighbor? It doubles its population in 30 years, fully expecting us to absorb the overflow. Not only do officials do nothing to stop it, they insult us for our efforts. Recall 1994 when the president of Mexico branded Wilson and most of us voters as racist for supporting 187.

So, to the degree that Wilson is making a statement here, I say good for him! If Mexico officials want to be friends, let them start with an apology for remarks made in 1994, and follow up with a plan to stop the illegal immigration so there won’t be a need for Prop. 187s in the first place.



Los Angeles
