

Men’s Maintenance Manual, a free comprehensive directory of health resources for men, is available by calling (800) 955-2002 or by sending a postcard with your name and address to Men’s Maintenance Manual, Rodale Press, 14 E. Minor St., Emmaus, PA 18098. The manual, written by the American Academy of Family Physicians and editors at Men’s Health magazine, is also available at General Nutrition Center outlets (GNC) during June.


A workshop for men with prostate cancer, and a separate workshop for their families and friends, will be held Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Wellness Community, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1040, Santa Monica. Information: (310) 314-2555.


Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center celebrates “Father’s Health Month” with a free urologic lecture series. All lectures are held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the center’s Les Kelly Auditorium, 1255 15th St., Santa Monica. Reservations are required: (310) 319-4777.


Thursday: Sizing Up New Treatments for the Enlarged Prostate; Dr. Stuart Fisher.

Monday: Good Kidneys, Good Bladder, Good Prostate, Good Health: Preventing Urinary-Tract Infections; Dr. Arthur Shapiro.

June 19: Male Infertility: A Fertile Discussion; Dr. Carol Bennett.

June 23: The Current State of Prostate Cancer Therapy; Dr. Stanley Brosman.

June 26: Maximum Potency: Managing Male Sexual Problems; Dr. David Leff and Diana McDonough, RN.


Men with eating disorders can call the Awareness Forum of the Pathfinders Foundation for information, referrals and treatment providers. (818) 885-0472.



The following magazines are devoted exclusively to men’s health:

* Men’s Fitness: (800) 493-4337.

* Prime Health & Fitness (for men over 40): (800) 493-4337.

* Men’s Health: (800) 666-2303.


On the Internet:

* Men’s Fitness:

* Men’s Health:
