
O.C.’s P.R. Effort for Airport Plan

* After reading “County Approves P.R. Effort on Airport Plan” (June 4), the shock I felt was numbing. Courtney Wiercioch, the assistant chief executive officer in charge of El Toro planning, got the supervisors to bite hook, line and sinker. She said, “The county is losing the battle because it doesn’t have the resources to respond” to those opposed to the project. Wait a minute! County government is certainly skewed if it is at war with its citizens. They are supposed to listen to us, not do battle with us. Thank you, Ms. Wiercioch, you have just given attorneys the proof they need to fight this in court.

Where are the county attorneys to speak out for our rights to protest? Where are the county doctors to speak out on the health risks of increased pollutants that will be dumped in our air? Where are the county educators that should know that Cornell University has just completed a study that shows, “Kids near airports don’t read as well.” Your clout is needed to fight an unneeded and unwanted airport.

Roger Stanton got the supervisors also to consider other uses for El Toro besides an airport before he left office last December. What we have seen is still one-sided. Where are the funds being spent to inform the public of other uses? All it took our county supervisors was a 3-1 vote and a blank check in full view of the media.



Santa Ana
