
Frank Gehry

* Re “Gehry, Fund-Raisers Face Showdown on Disney Hall,” June 5: As someone said to me recently, construction is a process where you begin and something goes wrong, and then something else goes wrong and later some more things go wrong. After awhile other things go wrong, and then it’s over!

Creation is a patient search; it is a never-ending voyage of discovery. Like life it is a messy process where wise decisions lead to great vitality and bad ones result in, at best, a compromised existence. It is not easy, but it is worth all the effort required. Giving birth to Disney Hall requires the guiding hand of its creator, through all those difficult discoveries, through all those things that will go wrong, so that the vision can be realized.


Architect, Malibu

* I have long been perplexed about the message Frank Gehry is trying to impart with his Disney Hall design. How gratifying it was to read George Rand’s erudite explanation (Commentary, June 4). We now know that it has to do with the effects of musical tang upon the primitive tribal auras and rituals of the Mesoamerican and Anglo-Teutonic polycultures. Thank you, George!



Long Beach

* The June 3 article regarding the conflicts over Disney Concert Hall came as a definite letdown, especially following Nicolai Ouroussoff’s June 2 article (Calendar) applauding the widely acclaimed Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. It is unfortunate that our city cannot embrace our own world-renowned architect.

A successful project would definitely require Gehry’s involvement through every step. This project is globally visible, and how we proceed with it is as important to L.A. as the final masterpiece itself.


President, American Institute

of Architects, L.A. Chapter

* Will L.A. take a back seat to Spain? Gehry’s Bilbao museum is just another excellent reason to cancel his Disney “disconcerting” Hall, with its tornado-torn facade. It’s much too similar, now, to be of value to L.A. as “landmark architecture.” Scrap it and do something unique!



