
Board to Discuss Grade Levels for Reopened Davis School

A proposal to reopen Davis School as an elementary or middle school will be up for discussion at tonight’s meeting of Newport-Mesa Unified School District’s board.

At its last session, as part of ongoing discussions about overcrowding in schools, the board voted to reopen both Davis and Rea schools in Costa Mesa.

“It’s totally necessary,” trustee Dana Black said.

Newport-Mesa is expecting an enrollment boom in the next few years and also needs more space to complete class-size reduction programs in primary grades.


Most of Costa Mesa’s elementary schools are full and have set up portable classrooms to alleviate overcrowding, officials said. Reopening closed schools is the next step.

District officials project the cost will be about $1 million for each school that is reopened.

The board meets at 7 p.m. at Harper Community Center, 825 E. 18th Street, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 760-3500.
