
Residents Satisfied, Poll Shows

Except for the proposed El Toro airport and traffic congestion, residents are not worried about their city, according to a survey that will be reviewed by the City Council today.

The city-commissioned poll portrays an affluent community where 75% of the homes have computers, 52% of residents have college degrees and almost a quarter of households make more than $100,000 annually.

In nearly all cases, satisfaction ratings for fire and police response, road improvements and other city services topped 90%.


Overall, 97% of those polled rated Laguna Hills as a “good” or “excellent” place to live.

City officials said the poll was needed to hear from the public regarding the two-year budget covering 1997 through 1999.

About three-quarters of those contacted are against the proposed El Toro airport. Laguna Hills will spend about $272,000 in the next two years to oppose construction of an airfield.

The other major concern expressed was over traffic congestion. The city has earmarked about $5.6 million for road improvements in the next two years.


The survey also found that residents’ desire for a local library cooled considerably when they realized that nearby branches in Aliso Viejo and Mission Viejo expect to be opened in less than a year.

Assistant City Manager Don White said the city will conduct another poll on the library in another two years after the Mission Viejo and Aliso Viejo libraries have been in operation.

The council meeting will be at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 25201 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 150. Information: (714) 707-2600.
