
Suit Over Card Club Near Settlement

Hawaiian Gardens is poised to settle a lawsuit that until recently had stalled construction of a card club approved by city voters almost two years ago.

Under the proposed agreement scheduled for approval today by the City Council, anti-gambling activists would drop their claims that city officials and card club licensee Irving Moskowitz violated a host of state and federal laws to create a monopoly on city gambling.

In return, Moskowitz’s attorneys have indicated that he will drop countercharges that the suit--largely funded by casinos outside Hawaiian Gardens--constitutes anti-competitive business practices.


Moskowitz also would pay $281,383 to the original plaintiffs--anti-gambling activist Mary Corrales and the Committee Against Card Club Assns.--under the accord.

Opposing lawyers in the case said Monday that they could not comment on the settlement, but that documents outlining the agreement could soon reach Los Angeles Superior Court.
