
Ethnic Organizations Award Scholarships

Two ethnic organizations have honored seven graduating high school seniors in the Valley with scholarships.

Friends of Chinatown Library gave $1,500 each to 10 students in an awards banquet Friday. The students were required to demonstrate scholarship, community service and financial need and be regular visitors to the Chinatown library to be considered for the scholarship.

“This is a newcomer community,” said Ruby Ling Louie, founding president of Friends of the Chinatown Library. “We wanted to help our youngsters--many of the parents aren’t able to help them.”


The Chinatown Library offers homework and English conversation help as well as a computer center and classes to improve the young residents’ Scholastic Achievement Test scores. For students whose families have recently immigrated, the library offers an alternative to the crowded apartments some families share with extended family, Louie said.

Long Thang and Stephanie Lee, Chinatown residents who attend Granada Hills High School, were among the winners.

Five Jewish students also won $1,000 scholarships from the Assn. of Jewish Educators. The scholarships, funded through proceeds of an annual brunch, are given to students who are leaders in academics, school activities and the Jewish community, said Lana Brody, the organization’s co-president.


The Valley recipients are Michael David Shemi of the Environment and Physical Science Magnet at Reseda High School, Jennifer Eve Schlesinger and Michael Smith of North Hollywood High School, Darya Pollak of the Highly Gifted Magnet at North Hollywood High School, and Joshua Fried of Granada Hills High School.
