

Eye on Enterprise: Venture capitalists and Internet entrepreneurs are getting together in Long Beach this week for a little networking, brainstorming and, if all goes well, partnering. The second annual VentureNet 97, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Queen Mary Hotel, is designed for Internet enterprisers seeking funding.

Among the highlights planned for the event, which is hosted by the Software Council of Southern California, are workshops for start-up or transitioning firms, an Internet fair and keynote presentations. For more information, call (888) 882-3863 or go to

Pushing forward: Web Broadcasting ’97 is being held today and Tuesday at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose. Push technologies, WebTV convergence and sound and motion on the World Wide Web are just some of the topics the conference will be addressing. For more information, call (800) 221-3806 or go to



* President Clinton will be giving the keynote commencement address at the UC San Diego graduation ceremony Saturday morning at 9. No tickets? No problem. The event is going to be Webcast at

* Speaking of graduation . . . why not send a virtual congratulations to the graduate in your life. At, you’ll find an assortment of e-cards for graduates, and even one from them (“a playful thank-you message”).

* You’ve saluted it, you’ve pledged your allegiance to it, you may have even burned it. In honor of Flag Day, why not spend part of Saturday at the online National Flag Day Foundation ( The site has a history of Flag Day, as well as a link to the Flag Day proclamation signed by President Clinton. At the Ultimate Flag Day Homepage (, you can search major search engines for Flag Day with just a single click of your mouse.


* Hey, hey, it’s almost Father’s Day. If you haven’t found the perfect gift yet, check out or for tons of suggestions. To send an e-card or an e-tie, point your browser to For a Father’s Day countdown (here’s a hint: it’s Sunday) or to read about the Dad of the Day, go to The site also has a Build Your Dream Dad game.

* PacificNet has a list of private post-secondary vocational schools organized by state and then further broken down by training field. Go to

* AskAsia ( is an online resource for elementary and secondary Asian and Asian American studies. The site has cultural information, games and activities as well as relevant links. There’s also an Adult-Free Zone just for the kids.


* Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment, or GLOBE, is a network of students, teachers and scientists coming together to study the global environment. GLOBE students work to create a core set of environmental observations around their school, and GLOBE scientists use the information to enrich their science education. To learn more about GLOBE, point your browser to

* The Art Now Gallery Guide Online ( has information on exhibits and shows at museums and galleries around the world. Art lovers can do searches on their favorite artists and peruse an international list of art fairs.

* Get information on trends and issues that affect the food service industry at the California Restaurant Assn. Web site ( Also find out about the organization’s training programs and legislative action.

* You’re never too young to learn a little fiscal responsibility, or so says the Merrill Lynch Family Saving Center ( The site is designed to help families (especially kids) learn the importance of saving--whether it’s for a skateboard, a computer or retirement. Kids are encouraged to put together a poster, essay or video for the National Saving Month “Time to Save” contest.

* How good are you at finding stuff on the Internet? Find out by trying your hand at the Great American Net Test ( Doing well will have to be its own reward--there are no prizes.


Site suggestions can be sent to [email protected]
